The information shared on ” luckypatchersapk.tech” is meant to provide general knowledge and is shared with good intentions.
We, at Lucky Patcher, do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information provided on our website.
If you choose to act on the information shared here, you do so at your own risk. Lucky Patcher will not be held responsible for any losses or damages that may happen because of your use of our website.
Our website contains links to other websites. While we try to link only to helpful and ethical sites, we cannot control what those sites contain or how they work. These links do not mean we recommend all their content. The owners of those sites might change their content without letting us know, and it could happen before we get a chance to remove harmful links.
Keep in mind that when you leave our website, the privacy rules and terms of other websites might be different. We have no control over these changes. Make sure to check their “Privacy Policies” and “Terms of Service” before sharing any information or doing business with them.
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By using our website, you agree to this disclaimer and its terms.
If we make any changes to this disclaimer, we will update this page to show those changes clearly.
If you have any questions about our disclaimer or need more information, feel free to contact us.
Email: admin@luckypatchersapk.tech